🔹General Commands
/spawn - Will teleport you to the official SmileMoreCraft Spawn.
/sethome - Will set a home at your current position.
/home - Will teleport you to your home.
/homes - Will list the names of all of your homes.
/ignore 'player' - Ignores the specified player, hiding their chat messages from you. Using this command again will stop ignoring the player.
/rtp - Opens RTP menu where you can choose between random teleportation in the main overworlds or resource world(s).
/wild - Randomly teleports you in the world you are in.
/tpa 'player' - Sends a teleport request to a player.
/tpahere 'player' - Sends a player a teleport request for them to teleport to your location.
/tpa cancel - Cancels your outgoing teleport request.
/tpa accept & /accept - Accepts a teleportation request.
/warps - Lists all server warps.
/realname 'player' - Reveals the username of a nick-named player.
/msgtoggle - Toggle other players being able to send messages to you.
/tptoggle - Disables players from sending TP requests to you.
/mail send 'player' message - Sends the player a message that they can read when they come back online. Works on both offline or online players.
/mail read - Reads all mail sent to you.
/mcpets - Opens your pet menu to summon your pets.
/quests - Opens your Quests menu where you can complete quests to earn Money and EXP.
/emftoggle - Disables custom fishing.
🔹Claim Commands
/abandonclaim - Removes the current claim your are standing in.
/abandonallclaims - Removes ALL of your claims.
/extendclaim 'amount' - Extends your claim to the direction you are currently facing by the amount specified.
/accesstrust 'player/all' - Gives a player access to buttons, and levers in the claim.
/containertrust 'player/all' - Gives a player access to containers in the claim.
/permissiontrust 'player/all' - Gives a player access to trust other players. They may give /trust, /accesstrust, /containertrust.
/trust 'player/all' - Gives a player the ability to build, break, and open/take from containers as well as interact with mobs.
/untrust 'player/all' - Revoke all trust for that specific player in the claim you are standing in.
/trustlist - View the trust given to all players in the claim you are standing in.
/claimlist - View all your land claims and their locations.
/buyclaimblocks 'amount' - Buy claim blocks with in-game money. Each block costs $1.
/sellclaimblocks 'amount' - Sell claim blocks with in-game money. Each block gives $1
🔹Economy Commands
/bal - Displays your current balance.
/baltop - Displays the balance of the top players.
/pay 'player' 'amount' - Pays money to the specified user.
/ah - Opens up the auction house.
/ah sell 'price' - Sells the held item for the specified price.
/jobs - Opens up the jobs GUI, where you can view/join/leave jobs. You can unlock more job slots from Vote ranks and SMC ranks.
/jobs top 'job' - Displays leaderboard of players by level (does not work for bedrock).
/jobs log — Shows you a log of how much you earned on a certain job.
/jobs quests — Opens up side quests depending on the jobs a player is part of.
/trade 'player' - Sends a trade request to the specified player.
/trade accept - Accepts the pending trade offer.
/trade deny - Denies the pending trade offer.
/shop - Opens the SMC Server Shop Menu.
/sell inventory/hand/handall - Sells items to the Farming/Mob Drops shop(s).
/emf shop - Opens fish sell menu.
🔹Quick Chest Shop Commands
You can also right-click an existing shop to open up a bunch of options instead of typing out the individual commands.
/qs help - Lists all the shop commands in-game.
/qs create 'price' - Creates a chest shop of the item you are holding for the specified price. (You can also left-click a chest while holding a item and type the price in chat)
/qs 'buy/sell' - Sets the chest shop to buying or selling mode.
/qs remove - Removes the shop you are looking at.
/qs staff 'add/remove/clear' 'user' - Adds/removes the specified user to the shop's staff list, or clears the staff list. This user can open the chest and interact with the items. Users have to be added individually for every chest shop.
/qs find 'item' - Searches the nearest shop for the specified item. (small search radius, to be used in a specific store).
/qs item - Changes shop you are looking at to the item you are currentlying holding.
/qs price 'amount' - Edits the price of the shop you are looking at.
🔹Player Warp Commands
/pw - Opens up the player warps browser.
/pw 'warp' - Travels to a warp.
/pw set 'warp' - Creates a player warp at your location. Player warps cost $250 to set up, and $250 every real life week to maintain.
/pw desc set/remove 'warp' 'description' - Sets a description for your the specified warp.
/pw category 'warp' 'category' - Sets your warp's category.
/pw icon set/remove 'warp' - Sets your held item as warp icon.
/pw reset 'warp' - Sets your warp’s location to your current location.
/pw rename 'warp' 'name' - Renames your warp.
/pw ban set/remove/list 'warp' 'player' - Bans, unbans or lists banned players for the specified warp.
/pw setowner set/accept/cancel 'warp' 'player' - Transfers the PW specified to the specified player.
/pw rate 'warp' 'rating' - Rate other player warps. Available ratings are 1 to 5.
/pw remove 'warp' - Completely removes the specified warp. All visits and statistics will be lost.
/pw favorite 'warp' - Adds the PW to your favorite list.
/pw lock 'warp' - Locks or unlocks own warp for public access.
🔹Vote Commands
/vote - Opens the Vote GUI. Voting for the server gives you rewards, vote points, and ranks.
/ranks - Displays the SMC vote ranks, perks, and required amount of votes to achieve the rank.
/voteshop - Exchange your vote points for rewards
/crates - Teleports you to the SMC Crate area.
/votepoints - Shows your current voite points.
/votetotal - Displays your total vote statistics.
🔹Team Commands
/team create 'name' - Creates a Team with the specified name.
/team invite 'name' - Invites a player to your SMC team.
/team chat - Toggle team chat/global chat.
/team leave - Leaves your current team.
/team disband - Disbands your team (owners only).
/team sethome - Sets your team home.
/team home - Teleport to your team home.
/team bal - Shows your team bank balance.
/team deposit - Deposit money in your team bank balance.
/team rank - Displays your current team rank. (Max rank is 3)
/team rankup - Rank up your team using your team balance. (Higher ranks receive more warps)
/team pvp - Toggle PVP between your team.
/team chest claim - Claims the chest you are standing on.
/team chest remove - Remove the claim of the chest you are standing on.
/team promote - Promotes a player to admin/owner.
/team demote - Demotes a player.
/team setowner - Changes ownership of a team.
/team setwarp - Sets a team warp. (Must be a rank 3 team)
🔹Claim Flags Commands
/setclaimflag 'flag' - Set a claim flag.
/listclaimflags - List active claim flags.
/unsetlcaimflag 'flag' - Remove a claim flag.
Public Claim Flags:
- ReadLecterns
- NoEnterPlayer
- RaidMemberOnly (Only trusted players will be able to initiate raids)
🔹SMC Rank Commands
/workbench - Opens the Workbench
/nick 'nickname' - Changes your display name to the specified nickname. Ultimate Ranks can use RGB or Normal Color Codes/
/eglow - Opens the player glow menu where you can modify your character glow/
/enderchest - Opens your ender chest.
/disposal - Opens menu where you can put items you wish to be permanently destroyed.
/ptime - Sets your personal time.
/pweather - Sets your personal weather.
/hat - Puts the held item on your head.
/pp - Opens the Custom Particle Aura menu where you can customize your aura.
/back - Teleports you back to last teleported/death location.
/feed - Fills your hunger.
/anvil - Opens anvil menu.
/smithingtable - Opens smithing table menu.
/loom - Opens loom menu.
/condense - Condenses items to more compact blocks. ex. Diamonds to Diamond Blocks.
/backpack - Opens your backpack to store even more items
/backpack clean - Empties your backpack
/spawn - Will teleport you to the official SmileMoreCraft Spawn.
/sethome - Will set a home at your current position.
/home - Will teleport you to your home.
/homes - Will list the names of all of your homes.
/ignore 'player' - Ignores the specified player, hiding their chat messages from you. Using this command again will stop ignoring the player.
/rtp - Opens RTP menu where you can choose between random teleportation in the main overworlds or resource world(s).
/wild - Randomly teleports you in the world you are in.
/tpa 'player' - Sends a teleport request to a player.
/tpahere 'player' - Sends a player a teleport request for them to teleport to your location.
/tpa cancel - Cancels your outgoing teleport request.
/tpa accept & /accept - Accepts a teleportation request.
/warps - Lists all server warps.
/realname 'player' - Reveals the username of a nick-named player.
/msgtoggle - Toggle other players being able to send messages to you.
/tptoggle - Disables players from sending TP requests to you.
/mail send 'player' message - Sends the player a message that they can read when they come back online. Works on both offline or online players.
/mail read - Reads all mail sent to you.
/mcpets - Opens your pet menu to summon your pets.
/quests - Opens your Quests menu where you can complete quests to earn Money and EXP.
/emftoggle - Disables custom fishing.
🔹Claim Commands
/abandonclaim - Removes the current claim your are standing in.
/abandonallclaims - Removes ALL of your claims.
/extendclaim 'amount' - Extends your claim to the direction you are currently facing by the amount specified.
/accesstrust 'player/all' - Gives a player access to buttons, and levers in the claim.
/containertrust 'player/all' - Gives a player access to containers in the claim.
/permissiontrust 'player/all' - Gives a player access to trust other players. They may give /trust, /accesstrust, /containertrust.
/trust 'player/all' - Gives a player the ability to build, break, and open/take from containers as well as interact with mobs.
/untrust 'player/all' - Revoke all trust for that specific player in the claim you are standing in.
/trustlist - View the trust given to all players in the claim you are standing in.
/claimlist - View all your land claims and their locations.
/buyclaimblocks 'amount' - Buy claim blocks with in-game money. Each block costs $1.
/sellclaimblocks 'amount' - Sell claim blocks with in-game money. Each block gives $1
🔹Economy Commands
/bal - Displays your current balance.
/baltop - Displays the balance of the top players.
/pay 'player' 'amount' - Pays money to the specified user.
/ah - Opens up the auction house.
/ah sell 'price' - Sells the held item for the specified price.
/jobs - Opens up the jobs GUI, where you can view/join/leave jobs. You can unlock more job slots from Vote ranks and SMC ranks.
/jobs top 'job' - Displays leaderboard of players by level (does not work for bedrock).
/jobs log — Shows you a log of how much you earned on a certain job.
/jobs quests — Opens up side quests depending on the jobs a player is part of.
/trade 'player' - Sends a trade request to the specified player.
/trade accept - Accepts the pending trade offer.
/trade deny - Denies the pending trade offer.
/shop - Opens the SMC Server Shop Menu.
/sell inventory/hand/handall - Sells items to the Farming/Mob Drops shop(s).
/emf shop - Opens fish sell menu.
🔹Quick Chest Shop Commands
You can also right-click an existing shop to open up a bunch of options instead of typing out the individual commands.
/qs help - Lists all the shop commands in-game.
/qs create 'price' - Creates a chest shop of the item you are holding for the specified price. (You can also left-click a chest while holding a item and type the price in chat)
/qs 'buy/sell' - Sets the chest shop to buying or selling mode.
/qs remove - Removes the shop you are looking at.
/qs staff 'add/remove/clear' 'user' - Adds/removes the specified user to the shop's staff list, or clears the staff list. This user can open the chest and interact with the items. Users have to be added individually for every chest shop.
/qs find 'item' - Searches the nearest shop for the specified item. (small search radius, to be used in a specific store).
/qs item - Changes shop you are looking at to the item you are currentlying holding.
/qs price 'amount' - Edits the price of the shop you are looking at.
🔹Player Warp Commands
/pw - Opens up the player warps browser.
/pw 'warp' - Travels to a warp.
/pw set 'warp' - Creates a player warp at your location. Player warps cost $250 to set up, and $250 every real life week to maintain.
/pw desc set/remove 'warp' 'description' - Sets a description for your the specified warp.
/pw category 'warp' 'category' - Sets your warp's category.
/pw icon set/remove 'warp' - Sets your held item as warp icon.
/pw reset 'warp' - Sets your warp’s location to your current location.
/pw rename 'warp' 'name' - Renames your warp.
/pw ban set/remove/list 'warp' 'player' - Bans, unbans or lists banned players for the specified warp.
/pw setowner set/accept/cancel 'warp' 'player' - Transfers the PW specified to the specified player.
/pw rate 'warp' 'rating' - Rate other player warps. Available ratings are 1 to 5.
/pw remove 'warp' - Completely removes the specified warp. All visits and statistics will be lost.
/pw favorite 'warp' - Adds the PW to your favorite list.
/pw lock 'warp' - Locks or unlocks own warp for public access.
🔹Vote Commands
/vote - Opens the Vote GUI. Voting for the server gives you rewards, vote points, and ranks.
/ranks - Displays the SMC vote ranks, perks, and required amount of votes to achieve the rank.
/voteshop - Exchange your vote points for rewards
/crates - Teleports you to the SMC Crate area.
/votepoints - Shows your current voite points.
/votetotal - Displays your total vote statistics.
🔹Team Commands
/team create 'name' - Creates a Team with the specified name.
/team invite 'name' - Invites a player to your SMC team.
/team chat - Toggle team chat/global chat.
/team leave - Leaves your current team.
/team disband - Disbands your team (owners only).
/team sethome - Sets your team home.
/team home - Teleport to your team home.
/team bal - Shows your team bank balance.
/team deposit - Deposit money in your team bank balance.
/team rank - Displays your current team rank. (Max rank is 3)
/team rankup - Rank up your team using your team balance. (Higher ranks receive more warps)
/team pvp - Toggle PVP between your team.
/team chest claim - Claims the chest you are standing on.
/team chest remove - Remove the claim of the chest you are standing on.
/team promote - Promotes a player to admin/owner.
/team demote - Demotes a player.
/team setowner - Changes ownership of a team.
/team setwarp - Sets a team warp. (Must be a rank 3 team)
🔹Claim Flags Commands
/setclaimflag 'flag' - Set a claim flag.
/listclaimflags - List active claim flags.
/unsetlcaimflag 'flag' - Remove a claim flag.
Public Claim Flags:
- ReadLecterns
- NoEnterPlayer
- RaidMemberOnly (Only trusted players will be able to initiate raids)
🔹SMC Rank Commands
/workbench - Opens the Workbench
/nick 'nickname' - Changes your display name to the specified nickname. Ultimate Ranks can use RGB or Normal Color Codes/
/eglow - Opens the player glow menu where you can modify your character glow/
/enderchest - Opens your ender chest.
/disposal - Opens menu where you can put items you wish to be permanently destroyed.
/ptime - Sets your personal time.
/pweather - Sets your personal weather.
/hat - Puts the held item on your head.
/pp - Opens the Custom Particle Aura menu where you can customize your aura.
/back - Teleports you back to last teleported/death location.
/feed - Fills your hunger.
/anvil - Opens anvil menu.
/smithingtable - Opens smithing table menu.
/loom - Opens loom menu.
/condense - Condenses items to more compact blocks. ex. Diamonds to Diamond Blocks.
/backpack - Opens your backpack to store even more items
/backpack clean - Empties your backpack