> These rules apply to all servers under our ONLY and Official Server IP: Play.SmileMoreCraft.com
📜1. Treat other players with respect
📜2. No Griefing anywhere, whatsoever
📜3. Keep communication clean
📜4. No Hacking/X-Ray/Exploiting
📜5. No Automation Tools
📜6. No Random PvP
📜7. English only in chat
📜8. No spamming/begging/advertising.
📜9. Claims
📜10. No scamming/fraud/impersonation.
📜11. Shop and Economy
📜13. Do not evade punishments in any way.
📜14. Map Art
📜1. Treat other players with respect
- Do not harass any person on the server.
- If someone is harassing you, report the harassment, report it and do not engage in the conversation. It is recommended to report and use "/ignore" any players you have issues with.
- If you are ignored or blocked, respect the other players wishes.
- Please only use the Support page or #tickets in Discord to report players. If you notice any staff members abusing their authority please inform us. Any form of disrespect will not be accepted.
📜2. No Griefing anywhere, whatsoever
- This includes claimed land, unclaimed land (except random spam), and revenge griefing.
- This does not include resource worlds as these worlds are ONLY intended for farming and claims are disabled.
- No lava casting.
📜3. Keep communication clean
- This includes but is not limited to: No harassment, racism, excessive swearing, excessive sexual content, hate speech, discussing sensitive topics.
- Sexual content includes but is not limited to: Inappropriate usernames, builds, signage, content, skins, and renamed items.
- Sensitive topics includes but is not limited to: Self-harm, politics, drug user, abuse.
- You are free to speak about anything if it stays in private chat and as long as the other party allows it.
- You are not allowed to /ignore staff members. This is because it makes moderation difficult.
📜4. No Hacking/X-Ray/Exploiting
- Hacks include but are not limited to X-ray, botting, kill aura, fly, free-cam/free-look.
- Allowed Clients/Mods
- Fullbright (We do have this already built-in)
- Lunar Client (No free-look)
- Mini-map, waypoints, or anything that displays information already known in the F3 menu
- Optifine
- Performance/FPS increasers
- Schematics mods such as Litematica are allowed, however the auto place functionality is not allowed. If you want to use Litematica, you must open a ticket.
- Any exploits that arise from bugs with any plugins or vanilla Minecraft features such as duping can not be used and must be reported. Rewards will be given based on severity.
📜5. No Automation Tools
- This includes botting (baritone), auto-clickers, and key weights.
- Farms that require you to AFK or do manual work are allowed.
- Fishing Machines are NOT allowed. (Even if mouse manually held down)
📜6. No Random PvP
- PvP must be consented to. You can establish any rules you want with the other party, but it must be agreed upon and followed throughout the fight.
- You automatically consent by entering any clearly marked PvP zones such as /warp PvP.
- TPing or baiting players to a PvP area to fight them is not allowed.
- Hitting someone else even once, allows them to hit or even kill you back, though it is recommended you just report them as fights may get confusing to judge.
📜7. English only in chat
- Our staff team cannot moderate languages outside of English, which is why we ask this.
- Non-English is allowed in private messages (/msg <username>) and team chat(s) (/team chat)
📜8. No spamming/begging/advertising.
- Advertising in-game economy related things every 30 minutes is allowed.
- Any links or outside advertisements are not allowed including advertising for any other servers.
- This includes links to external streams even if they are related to SmileMoreCraft.
- Spamming includes:
- Excessive use of capitalization.
- Identical messages or extremely similar messages.
- Messages that include random letters. Eg. “wadawfsegerheiwoffjweoji”
📜9. Claims
- If a user is inactive for 3+ weeks, you can request the claim be removed on the Discord server by opening a ticket.
- Do not claim or build within 100 blocks of an existing claim without permission from the claim owner. Failure to do so may result in your build being moved.
- It is still recommended to claim past just your build area to save a piece of land for future use.
- Claims that break the 100 blocks claim rule must be reported in a timely manner. Not reporting someone's claim violation and allowing them to build for weeks may mean that their claim might not be removed.
- Do not trespass on claims. If you repeatedly ignore the claim owner's wishes for you leave, you may be forcibly removed and punished.
📜10. No scamming/fraud/impersonation.
- Scamming is the misrepresentation of goods such as renaming an item to look like something else, or by not honoring a trade.
- Low-balling or high-balling are allowed. Ultimately it is up to you to know the value of an item. If you do not know the value of an item, it is recommend you do not trade at all.
- Impersonating includes using "/nick" to pretend to be someone else.
- You may loan items to other players, but ultimately it is your responsibility to keep track of where the item is, and to set clear rules on when/how people can borrow them.
- Additionally, you should have proof of the transaction ready if you report them for breaking the deal.
- SMC does not allow IRL trading for in-game items between players whatsoever.
- No Real Money trading whatsoever. All real-money transactions must only be completed on the official SMC Webstore.
📜11. Shop and Economy
- Paying players to rate your shop is allowed, but paying others to rate other shops is NOT allowed.
- Using alt accounts to rate other shops including your own is not allowed.
- Advertising within or near other shops without permission is not allowed.
- No useless/troll player warps, auction house listings, or chest shops.
- The main end island can only be used for the purposes of traveling the end, or fighting the dragon. No making chest shops or using obsidian farms here.
- Advertising PW's or other services on /ah is limited to 1 listing.
- Even if you are advertising a different PW, you may only have 1 listing.
- Though you are free to have a single renamed shulker containing a bunch of renamed items advertising a bunch of different stuff/aspects of your shop.
- Even if you are advertising a different PW, you may only have 1 listing.
- AH advertisements should be priced at 999999 or higher.
- Modifying SmileMoreCraft Items with the unmodifiable tag is not allowed. This includes renaming, upgrading, adding effects on to the items. This does not include items you are supposed to modify such as unbreakable tools.
- If you have a modified item, you are free to contact support to get it replaced without issue.
- You can report Player warps with extremely similar names to your existing warp.
- Eg. "/pw Soup_Best_1" and "/pw Soup_Best_2" would not be allowed.
- Eg. "/pw Shop" and "/pw Shopping" would be allowed since Shop is a common word.
- In general, anything that allows you to make money that is not intended by the server is considered exploiting. This includes but is not limited to the below methods.
- Hunter
- You can earn money from the Hunter job only from physically attacking the mob manually. Any use of farms that make use of thorns or other methods of AFK farming are not allowed.
- Converting mobs from spawner to anything that pays cash.
- Hunter
- Alts are allowed.
- You can own multiple accounts, but only two of your accounts are able to be online at the same time.
- You are allowed to vote on alt-accounts and give your main account the rewards, though logging on a bunch of alts to give yourself the starting money is not allowed.
- You are not allowed to use Alt job furnaces.
- Using accounts you do not own is not allowed.
📜13. Do not evade punishments in any way.
- Joining with alternate accounts after you have previously been banned will result in an escalation of your ban length.
- Do not use signs or books to avoid being muted in chat. You are still free to use off-server chatting methods like private Discord calls for talking to friends as long as they allow it.
📜14. Map Art
- The use of schematics to build including map arts are allowed.
- Schematics mods such as Litematica are allowed, however the auto-place functionality is not allowed.
- If you want to use easy-place in Litematica then you must request a bypass in a ticket on the Discord. You must be Guardian+ to request this.
- No reselling of map art created by someone else without their permission.
- Map art like all builds must be claimed. Builds that are not claimed on purpose will be in violation of rule #2 (mass destruction of the map).
- Builds that are no longer wanted can be removed for $10k-20k in a ticket. Make sure to specify coords, and world.